Our Etsy Pattern Shop


At Growing Ivy, we feel very passionately about stepping away from the modern “convenient consumerism” of buying items that we could easily make ourselves in a much more eco-friendly and creative way.

Embracing our DIY ethic, we sell quality patterns and tutorials so you can make great pieces on your own. It’s all about helping you create!

               A few, but by no means all, of our offerings…

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2 thoughts on “Our Etsy Pattern Shop

  1. Hi, I just brought your circle skirt pattern on Crafty. I have a question. To make the skirt I want to make I will need a square of fabric 75 inchs. But my fabric is only 55 inch wide. How can I proceed? Thanks

    1. Hi there, Monique!

      First, thank you so much for your purchase! I will do my best to answer your question. It sounds like you are attempting to sew a skirt that is about calf or ankle length. The circle skirt, being a seamless, circular skirt design does indeed require a large “square” of fabric to make large size skirts. Some bolts of fabric will not be wide enough to accommodate these larger sizes,

      Option 1: So, of course, one option is to find bolts of fabric that are wider than 55 inches. You may be able to find some bolts that are 70″+ wide at the fabric store.

      Option 2: Another option is to simply make the skirt as large as possible with the lengths you do have, and then sew a strip of fabric to the bottom edge of the skirt in order to extend the length the extra 20″ you desire.

      Option 3: Thirdly, you could do away with the concept of a circle skirt altogether and simply sew a basic gathered skirt to the waistband sash detailed in the Circle Skirt Pattern Instructions.

      Option 4: Lastly, you could try this skirt in a shorter length to accommodate the amount of fabric you have. I love the skirt in knee length myself! 🙂

      I really hope that helped you. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do. If you decide this pattern isn’t working for your purposes, notify us at once and I will be glad to refund you. Have a great day!

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